Lubemaster 600 Std Oil Filtration Unit

The Lubemaster 600 Centrifugal Oil Filtration Unit standard model comes complete with:

  • 300L Holding Tank
  • 3 Pneumatic tyres
  • Air Vacuum
  • 5mtr lengths Delivery & Suction Hoses
  • 10mtr power lead
  • Spare O-Ring set
  • Manufactured to suit all electrical codes

Optional extras include :

  • 3um Bypass Final Filter
  • Electric Vacuum
  • 3 Solid Fill Tyres
  • Skids in place of wheels
  • Particle Counter
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Approximate Dimensions: cm H1700 xL1400 xW600
Approximate Weight: 550 Kg

This innovative oil filtration unit is very versatile and can be used in numerous applications.  It is capable of cleaning diesel fuel, hydraulic oil, turbine, compressor and transformer oils through to heavy 680 gear oil, all without making changes to the equipment.  This particular oil filtration unit is available to HIRE or BUY.

If you would like further information on how you can reduce your maintenance costs and increase your equipment reliability please contact us.


Download an operating manual for the 600 Standard Oil Filtration Unit

Download Quick Operating Instructions for the 600 Standard Oil Filtration Unit



If you would like fur­ther infor­ma­tion on how you can reduce your main­te­nance costs and increase your equip­ment reli­a­bil­ity please email us on:-